204s & Dije Court

204s was a surfing spot made popular in the 1950s. This rocky beach is typically used for surfing over relaxing. This beach can be accessed by a set of stairs just across the train tracks. Dije Court is a quiet spot along the trail.

dije court 204s san clemente ca
dije court 204s san clemente ca
dije court 204s san clemente california

San Clemente Beach Trail

dije court 204s san clemente ca north beach trail

San Clemente’s beach trail offers 2.2 miles of scenic coastline to walk, bike, jog. The trail is pet friendly for leashed dogs. Starting at North Beach and stretching to San Clemente State Beach, the trail offers plenty of room to exercise and easy access to your favorite beaches.


Beach Amenities

Stairway Access to beach
Nearby parking (North Beach)
Stairway access to neighborhoods

Beach Trail

204s and Dije Court are just a few minutes walk from the North Beach trailhead and are also accessible via neighborhood staircases.

dije court 204s san clemente ca

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